Multiple Income Streams-A Smart Idea

If you’re not really sure what this means you probably are doing it already without even realising it. Most of us have a job and this is already a main income stream…obviously… but most of us have bank accounts where we are earning interest and also most of us have some kind of retirement investment fund for when we decide to stop and take it easy. These are all alternative income streams although not really earning as much as we’d like.

Thinking a little outside the box we can find other ways to earn a few extra dollars on the side. It could be from selling your old stuff that you have lying around your home, another part-time job and even starting a small home business of some kind.

These days with the internet, there are a plethora of ideas and tips to find something that will work for you and there are already millions of people that are earning multiple income streams right now as you are reading.

I already have multiple income streams, and you can find some of the ways that I am earning by reading the rest of my article.

Affiliate Marketing Income

Selling products that you don’t own and earning a commission is what affiliate marketing is, and there are many variations of products that anyone can sell and promote. They can range from physical products, to digital products and also services. You probably don’t even realise it but you are affiliate marketing when you recommend a product, movie or recipe to your friends and family. It is the same concept except you are not earning anything from it….YET…

Affiliate marketing is one of my income streams and it is a very popular industry that many people around the world are doing right now, every day, every minute. It does require a bit of work but with proper training, patience and by surrounding yourself with people that started from scratch and have succeeded, anyone can start earning money. That’s exactly how I started. I signed up (for FREE) to a great program and then learned from there.

Affiliate marketing can become a very profitable income stream and many people only do that for their whole income. Read my Start Here page and it will give you an introduction to how I started out with Affiliate Marketing and an income stream.

E-Commerce Income

You may have heard or seen this word bantered around the internet space along your travels and it is basically a form of having your own shopping store on the web where people come and buy items that you are promoting. I have my own Amazon Store where I advertise and promote various items. People search my categories and then if they decide to buy a selection they are prompted over to Amazon, make the purchase and I receive a commission from the sale. Amazon takes care of all the delivery, payment collection and any queries as well.

E-commerce is another popular industry where many people participate in, and earn their income. There are many sources to learn how to do it right so that you will succeed and here is a LINK TO MY PAGE of reputable trainers that have taught many green e-commerce starters and turned them into budding e-commerce entrepreneurs. I have used these myself and they are well worth the value.

Forex Trading Income

This is a main source of my income, although my other streams are catching up fast to my overall income bucket. You see, I have been forex trading for over 9 years now and once I got it right, it became boring so I then ventured into Affiliate Marketing and E-commerce for something else to do. Forex was not easy at first, trying different strategies, attending free seminars and even paying for so called courses (that did work but only when I found the right one) to finally make it in a very fulfilling business for me. I fell in love with forex trading and I was determined to make it.

Forex is a high investment starting industry but it is still a lot cheaper than actually opening a bricks and mortar business. That’s what attracted me and a moderate investment of $2000 and upwards can get anyone started and just build a substantial income over time. It is a “Walk to Wealth not a Race to Riches” so I learned from someone else and when I finally found the right training course and mentor my whole trading turned around and also my and my families life as well.

Forex was the catalyst that gave me choices and that in my opinion is what life is about. Being able to have income streams so that you can have choices to be able to do what you want without the everyday pressures.

Well if you want to do the same as I have then I will cut your learning time short by recommending the course and my mentor that set me up...The Forex Trading Coach…Andrew Mitchem is where it all went right for me. I can go on and on but you can read my Review and Journey HERE or go straight over to Andrew’s website by clicking the highlighted link above.

It will cost you to do the course but just remember that you are investing in your own education to learn how to earn money that could be for your financial freedom, just like me. The investment is well worth it…believe me…I know.


Well I guess the conclusion should be pretty simple… There are many great reasons to have Multiple Income Streams and for me it’s all about having the ability to have choices so that my family and I can live a meaningful life without pressures from our world and society.

Having monies coming in from different areas at any time just makes life that whole lot better and easier. Yes, it took time, effort, training, education, money and patience to finally get to my goals, but in the end it was all worth it.

It took me a while to work it out, but for me, giving me CHOICES is what life is all about.

No one handed it to me, I had to work and find the info but I am giving you a heads up with these great recommendations through my links above. It’s up to you to make the step and change what you want in your life. Don’t be afraid and don’t listen to the naysayers. If I did that I wouldn’t be here where I am now. I don’t brag to them, I just get on with what I do and travel around the world and make my CHOICES.


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